Adrian Obote is a software engineer who opens the line of communication between clients, customers, and businesses to get technology projects done. He has supervised software projects in both public and private sectors. He has extensive knowledge of enterprise computer systems and cyber security.

Project Summary

Project Title: Identity and Authentication Model for Bring Your Own Device in Organizations

Research Supervisor: Dr. Andrew Mwaura Kahonge

Abstract: The use of personal mobile devices for work related assignments and vice versa has become a common trend in business today. With escalated developments in technology, there has been a significant shift on how organizations and employees carry out business which has necessitated the adoption of new practices such as Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD). The research sought to review existing BYOD implementation models in device identity management and user authentication in organization and outline the challenges that face organizations in implementing BYOD strategies. It was found out that many organizations have implemented different models that address BYOD challenges from the perspective of the device, data and/or application. However, it was noted that illegitimate access to organizations’ systems via the use of legitimate devices and applications by unauthorized users remained a challenge that exposed organizations to unprecedented uncertainties. It was also established that the adoption of BYOD in organizations was low due to a number of reasons that were noted to centre on information security and privacy concerns. This research work developed and tested a prototype that combined device identification and user authentication in an augmented model as a proof of concept and a means of experimentation to address the security and privacy challenges that various implementations have had in the implementation and adoption of BYOD in organizations.