Charity Kiara is a digital marketer and a digital content creator. She provides B2B digital marketing strategy to corporations and member - associations. She helps SaaS, Businesses, Software and IT companies grow sales pipeline and revenue through performance based marketing strategies and SEO. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Information Technology and CCNA certification.
Project Summary
Project Title: Evaluation of E-Procurement System Service in Ministry of Health: A Case of Murang’a County government.
Research Supervisor: Christopher A. Moturi
Abstract: Assessing the quality of e-services has now become an interesting area of study. In the past, many issues resulting from system misuse to achieve selfish motives have been recorded. This has resulted to misuse of public funds by specific individuals. The procurement process have had challenges due to many factors among them manipulation of the e-procurement system. This system manipulation has necessitated a lot of public money to get lost in the hands of specific individuals. In the long run, development projects lag behind. This research is intended to assess the e-service quality of E-procurement system in Murano’a County using E-S-QUAL and E-RecS-QUAL scales. E-S-QUAL and E-RecS-QUAL scales are used to measure the quality of e-services. In this research, they were first adjusted and adopted to explore the various dimensions that have an effect on the overall customers’ perceptions of the E-procurement system in place.104 valid questionnaire answers were taken. The questionnaire was structured such that there were 250 structured questions which were given to the various stakeholders of the E-procurement system.
At first, operationalization of the used scales was done. A correlation and factor analysis was done followed by multiple regression analysis to the E-S-QUAL and E-ReS-Qual scales. Based on the results, there is a strong positive correlation between the overall perception of customers and the E-procurement system. The dimension with the greatest impact is the ‘system efficiency, privacy and finally contact. The E-procurement system scored 3.001 from the 5-point scale in performing quality E-services and a score of 2.764 in E-service quality recovery. The biggest limitation of the study was the fact that it is barely 3 years since the launch of system use in county government so the sample size was limited to a given population. The study is of value to policy makers as issues raised will act as a basis of formulating policies that will aid in system improvement. From the results, it implies that the Eprocurement services offered by the system are not satisfactory to the users. Therefore, the management should consistently work on privacy, system responsiveness and system availability issues.