A Business and IT professional with significant experience in IT, Risk and Assurance Services within the professional services/consulting space. Passionate and curious about the intersection of people, technology and data to improve business performance by managing risks and costs. Demonstrated competencies in Systems Assurance, Data Analytics, Information Security and Financial Technology. Collaborated with teams to deliver systems and processes audits to support financial audit processes for clients across Manufacturing, Processing, Renewable Energy, Healthcare, Logistics & Supplies, Automotive, Governmental, NGOs, Agricultural and Financial services sectors.
Project Summary
Project Title: A Strategy to Reduce IT Risks in Technology-based Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
Research Supervisor: Prof. Elisha Opiyo
Abstract: SMEs in Kenya contribute greatly to the country’s growing economy. However, they face numerous challenges in sustaining their growth. A number of these SMEs are Technology-based, having technology and computing at the centre of their operations and performance. Hence, they face myriads of risks, throwing them into the drawing board to seek ways of managing such IT risks in their operations. The purpose of this paper is to identify a comprehensive risk management strategy, which will help in mitigation of potential IT risks in technology-based SMEs. This involved determining the key IT risks faced by technology-based SMEs and recommending the implementation of proper IT risk assessment and management methodologies.