Bella Claris Juma has interest in technology and diversifies on virtual space. She has worked on thin client technology in public universities and had the best interest to encourage adoption to ensure easy maintenance management of application resources and accessibility of workspace from any location. She currently work with Equity Bank Kenya and part of the team working on the use of thin client to ensure more successful configuration, maintenance and updates are well in sync with the organization to avoid downtimes that would affect and cause loss of profitability.
Project Summary
Project Title: Factors Affecting the Adoption of Thin Client Technology in Public Universities in Nairobi County
Abstract: Advancement in technologies has made virtual classrooms which enables millions of people to access knowledge at their fingertips an essential tech requirement. Public universities in Nairobi county that have embraced thin client technology adoption which is the main focus in this study, work to establish cost maximization, energy-saving opportunities, solve a wide range of technical and logistical problems also helps top management with strategic decisions, value‐added customer service, data security.