Nelly is interested and fascinated about IT trends and keeping in pace with it. she looks forward to keep the organisation she will work for updated on the latest technology which will add economic value to it. She is looking for the next available opportunity.
Project Summary
Project Title: Effectiveness of the use of short text messaging service use on people living with HIV/AIDs treatment, prevention and control in Kenya.
Abstract: HIV/AIDs is disease which has caused loose of many lives globally especially in developing countries Kenya amongst them. Kenya is on track to achieve global targets of zero new infections, zero Aids related deaths and zero discrimination by the year 2030. Kenya incorporated use of SMSs in hospitals which was seen as tool for treatment, prevention and control of HIV/AIDs which is long life disease. Despite the use of SMS services, progress of counteracting HIV/AIDs is slow with estimation of new infections to be 52800 and 28200 deaths of Aids related sickness been reported annually 2017. This research evaluated effectiveness of short message services (SMS) use on PLHIV for their treatment, prevention and control at SWOP clinic Kenya. Research adapted health belief model to evaluate whether its variables had an influence on effectiveness of short message services use on PLHIV for treatment, prevention and control of Aids. Research design adopted for study was survey research design. Population of study was PLHIV under ART and enrolled for SMS services. Instrument for data gathering was closed ended questionnaires. Sample size was 68. Simple random sampling technique was used. Descriptive and inferential analysis were the methods used for analysis. Study findings concluded 83% of variations in effectiveness of SMS were influenced by perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, and perceived barriers, cue to action, self-efficacy, confidence, threat, cost and information. The study recommends there is need for public private partnership to be established. Research concluded, MS is an effective tool for treatment prevention and control of HIV/AIDs.