Amos is an Information Technology and Cyber Security expert with over 5 years of experience in public service. He has undertaken tasks in IS Audits, IT risk assessments, advisory on mitigation measures, compliance to IT controls, IT regulatory frameworks and alignment of IT Organizational objectives. He has participated in flagship projects including Digital Literacy Programme (DLP) and Presidential DigitalentProgramme(PDTP). He holds a BSc in Computer Science, a certified Huawei Network Associate (HCNA) and a Certified System Security Intelligence Analyst (IBM). He is a Member of ISACA Kenya Chapter.
Project Summary
Project Title: Blockchain Readiness Assessment for Domestic Horticulture Traceability in Urban Kenya
Research Supervisor: Christopher A. Moturi
Abstract: There are numerous prospects that could be leveraged to transform horticultural supply chain traceability. The low usage, absence of regulations and policies, inadequate skills and awareness on Blockchain provides an opportunity for innovators, policy makers and researchers to explore measures of improving the readiness level and appropriate initiatives towards implementation of the technology. This study sought to investigate the existing traceability systems in Kenya’s domestic horticultural supply chain in order to assess the level of stakeholders’ readiness for the Blockchain technology. The Network Readiness Index was operationalized and used to extract constructs that were found to be relevant to this study. There is a potential for partnership between governments, producers and consumers to formulate the necessary regulations, policies and standards prior to implementation. The findings provide the actors with a basis to strategize on how to embrace Blockchain traceability systems in the horticultural supply chain.