Prof.Andrew Mwaura kahonge
The Department of Computer Science is part of the Faculty of Science and Technology. It
specializes in Computing and informatics-related teaching, research, consultancy, and outreach.
Currently, the Department offers 1 undergraduate programme, 2 master's programmes and 2 PhD
programmes. The school also provides service teaching to other programmes in the university.
The department engages in research in the following areas: Artificial Intelligence, Information systems,
Distributed computing and informatics and communication technologies (ICT) for development. Some of the most researched topical areas include Health Informatics, Digital Learning, Data Analytics and Data
Science, use of Machine Learning and Deep Learning, Information Systems, Distributed Computing,
Distributed Ledger Technologies, Cyber Security, Internet of Things, Smart Urban Transport and Urban
Spaces, among others. Currently, the department has research grants and collaborations in a number of these
areas with local and international research institutions, development agencies, and industry.
The department is committed to high quality and excellence in service provision to its clients, who are mainly
students, staff, research collaborators, potential employers, donors, other stakeholders, and the public
at large. To this end, the school has a service charter that is available to its clients, to which it is
committed. The school also adheres to the University of Nairobi quality processes in its service delivery. As a result, the learning and work environment is suitable for favorable learning and research experiences.
Welcome to the School.