Project Summary
Project Title: Influence of Usability, Accessibility and Compliance on E-Government Development Index (EGDI): A Case Study of East Africa Countries.
Research Supervisor: Dr. Andrew Mwaura Kahonge
Abstract: Globalisation has necessitated the need for the promptness in information dissemination and access, regardless geolocation and time. Accordingly, countries have embraced Information Communication Technology (ICT) systems to widen accessibility to government services, reduce administrative cost, corruption, increase transparency, foster public participation, which have a positive impact on service delivery. Despite the level implementations and resource mobilization, these platforms still grapple with low-level adoption and usage as informed by the E-Government Development Index (E-GDI). The index assesses progress in online services delivery, open data and mobile services, and public involvement. The study sought to ascertain the influence of usability, accessibility and compliance on E-GDI using correlational research design. Seventy-two government websites were selected from eighteen East Africa countries using a simple random sampling technique. Data was collected using Qualidator tool, Google mobile-friendly test tool, Nibbler tool, TAW Analysis Tool, Color Contrast Checker, and Readability test. The instruments deployed have a reliability of 0.98. Qualitative data were analyzed descriptively using inferential statistics and report generated by SPSS tool. Report indicated a significant correlation between usability, accessibility, and compliance on E-GDI. Based on the results, predictive equation was formulated for the dependent and independent variable.